Test methods are used for Phenolic Yellowing- 1. ISO 105-X18 2. M&S C20B 3. Tesco TM/137/01 4. Adidas Test Procedure 5.10 Test procedure- A standard test package consists of five test specimens and one control fabric - each separated by a glass plate - making a total of seven glass plates. Each package is wrapped in BHT-free polythene film. The packages are closed and sealed with ordinary adhesive tape. To ensure uniform contact between the test papers and the test specimens, the packages are placed in a Perspirometer. The pressure is standardised by the application of a weight. Place the persoirometer in incubator at a temperature of 50°C ± 3°C. The treatment time is 16 hours. At the end of the test, the Perspirometers are removed from the incubator, the test packages are taken out and are allowed to cool before unwrapping. The specimens are then compared with their originals, and the intensity of yellowing is assessed with a Grey Scale for Staining.
Most commonly asked questions for buying house job interview
Most commonly asked questions for buying house job interview: 1. Tell me about yourself/ Introduce yourself (For experienced and Fresher) 2. Tell me which is not written in your CV you want to share with us 3. Why do you want to change your current job? (For experienced employee) 4. Why you changed your previous job? 5. What is your career goal? 6. What is your career objective? 7. What is your career achievement? (For experienced employee) 8. What is your home district?(Common question in Bangladesh) 9. What is your strong side? 10. What is your weakness? 11. Why do you want to work here? 12. What is your current salary? (For experienced employee) 13. What is your specialty in this sector? 14. What do you know about our company? 15. What is your dream job? 16. Why should we hire you? 17. What is your expected salary? (Is it negotiable) 18. How did you hear about your position? 19. Where you want to see yourself after 5 years? 20. How will you handle pressure in this position? 21. How ...
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