Shade control garments washing

Shade control_garments_washing 

 1. Do wash according to spec sheet wash instruction/wash recipe. 2. If during fabric inspection found too many shade variations make 100 % tube of fabric inspections and wash according to spec sheet wash instructions. (We can talk about fabric supplies regarding the shade issue.) or we can use Salvage Marker and Group Market but fabric consumption will be increased. 3. Now do shade segregation by shade lightbox, use artificial D65 light. Now do Shade- A (50 Roll), Shade – B (80 Roll), Shade – C (Roll – 30), and Shade – D (Roll 60). 4. During the fabric lay cutting section, the first lay which shade is more like: Shade B, then Shade D, Shade A final Shade C. 5. If the order quantity is small at a time we can fabric lay but use separately plain paper to indicate shade. 6. From sewing output, will be shade-wise bundle & sent to wash. And better to use shade a label in garments. 15. Wash department during the dry process and wet process make sure separate shade, no mixed up anyway. (Here have a chance to bundle shade mix up) 16. During wash QC must close monitoring & keep a shade band after every wash lot wash QC compare with shade. If not match talk to the wash technician. 17. After coming back from the wash, garments will go through by shade inspection, if those passes they can be input finishing; if not then sent back to the washing factory. 18. Garments finishing process can run shade wise so that shade wise packing can be done easily. #garments


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