QMS interview question.... Ok, you can note some points, first one 1. please tell me about your self? 2. What do you mean by QMS? 3. Did you know concept of QMS and principal of QMS? 4. Please tell me QMS goals setup policy? 5. What do you mean by SMARTER goals? 6. What is strength and weakness? 7. Please tell me about your job responsibility or duties? 8. What do you mean by RCA and CAPA? 9. Did you know Goals setup policy? 10. Please tell me about department wise SOP like as, Fabric warehouses, cutting, sewing and finishing? 11. What do you mean by internal audit and technical audit? 12. Why we can choose you? 13. Tell me about your life goal? if you know this question answer please discuss...
What is Man to Machine Ratio in the Garment Industry?
What is Man to Machine Ratio in the Garment Industry? The man to machine ratio is an important KPI in the manufacturing sector. The same is applied in apparel manufacturing. In this post, I will explain the term man to machine ratio, its importance and method of calculating man to machine ratio. What is the man to machine ratio? Man to machine ratio is defined as the total workforce in a factory to the total number of operational sewing machines. Man to machine ratio widely varies depending on the on the organization structure. If a factory has only production related departments (cutting, sewing, maintenance, quality and IE) then this ratio will be low. On the other hand, if a factory includes the department of design & development, sampling to finishing to shipment and documentation then this ratio will be high. How to calculate Man to machine ratio? To measure Man Machine Ratio (MMR) of a factory - First, find how many employees are there (include all manpower). Second, Co...
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