Time Study: Definition, Objectives and Advantages (With Formula)

Time Study: Definition, Objectives and Advantages (With Formula)
After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Definition of Time Study 2. Objectives of Time Study 3. Basic Procedure 4. Advantages 5. Limitations 6. Length 7. Number of Cycles to be Timed.

Definition of Time Study:

Time study may be defined as “the art of observing and recording the time required to do each detailed element of an industrial activity/operation.”

The term industrial activity includes mental, manual and machining operation, where:
(i) Mental time includes time taken by the operator for thinking over some alternative operations.

(ii) Manual time consists of three types of operations i.e. related with handling of materials, handling of tools and handling of machines.

(iii) Machining time includes time taken by the machines in performing the requisite operations. Thus time study standardizes the time taken by average worker to perform these operations.

Objectives of Time Study:

The main objectives of time study are the followings:
(1) Target time for each job can be scientifically estimated. With this estimate realistic schedules and manpower requirements can be prepared.

(2) Sound comparison of alternative methods is possible by comparing their basic times.

(3) Useful wage incentive schemes can be formulated on the basis of target times.

(4) In can lead to proper balancing of the work distribution.

(5) It can help to analyse the activities for performing a job with the view to eliminate or reduce unnecessary or repetitive operations so that human effort can be minimized.

(6) To standardise the efficient method of performing operations.

(7) To standardise conditions for efficient performance.

(8) To determine man and machines ratio for effective and efficient utilisation of both.
(9) To provide information and basis for production planning and scheduling activities.

Basic Procedure for Time Study:

The following steps are essential for carrying out the time study of any process in order to determine standard time:

1. Select the job for study and define the objective of the study. This needs statement of the use of results, precision required and the desired level of confidence in the estimated time standards.

2. Analyse the operation to determine if the standard method and conditions exist and the worker is properly trained. The method study or training of operator should be completed before starting time study if need be.
3. Select the operator to be studied if more than one can perform the task.

4. Record the information about the standard method, operator, operation, product machine, quality required and working conditions.

5. Divide the operation into reasonably small elements.

6. Time the operator for each of the elements. Estimate the total number of observations to be taken.

7. Collect and record the data of required number of cycles by way of timing and rating the operator.

8. For each element of operation note the representative watch time and calculate the normal time as follows: Normal Time = Observed time x Rating Factors

Calculate normal time for the whole job by adding normal time of various elements.

9. Determine standard time by adding allowances to normal time of operation. Some allowances such as personal allowance (20%), fatigue allowance (5%) preparation allowance (5%) are generally used or these can be taken from the company’s policy book or by conducting an independent study.

Thus standard time = Normal time + Allowances


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