SWOT Analysis for the Analysis of RMG Industry in Bangladesh

SWOT Analysis for the Analysis of RMG Industry in Bangladesh

    By SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity & Threat) we can analyze the Problems & Prospects of RGM industry.


>>Bangladesh offers cheapest labour among RMG producing countries.

>>It has a Compact, Organized & Favorable infra-structure.
>>It has lots of Pre-export Financing institutions for assistance.

>>Management appears to be very dynamic & capable of improved performance.

>>There are various associations like BGMEA, BKMEA, BEPZA etc. to build the strong collaboration with various related organizations.

>>Limitations for some modern machinery in some specific sectors.

>>Lack in establishing large companies to attract buyers directly.

>>Lack of high skilled labour.

>>Limitation of technical know-how.

>>Limitation in Producing Raw Materials.

>>Political unrest situation, which making buyers step back in some cases.

>>Improper use of Ports & not so smooth & strong Transportations.

>>Problem in Power & Gas supply.

>>Improper attention of Governments policy makers.


>>Good reputation of product quality in outside world will increase more option of export.

>>Strong rise of knitting sector.

>>Very good quality yarn is now producing.

>>More options of new employments.

>>Great pricing capability.

>>Attracting new buyers by establishing new buying houses. 

>>Encouraging new joint venture projects.

>>Change in Governments attitude towards RMG sector.

>>Rise of competitiveness in export market for India, China, Cambodia etc.

>>Political unrest situation of the country.

>>Rise of price of raw materials.

>>Environmental pollutions are threat for survival.

>>Labour unrest in RMG factories.

>>Capability to hold the market for long term future.

SWOT Analysis of Three RMG Industry:

    To give concept about recent status of RMG industries in Bangladesh, outcomes of Focus Group Discussion (FGD) from SWOT analysis of three RMG industries is mentioned below. 

The industries which took part in analysis process:

1. Micro Fiber Ltd.
     Kutubpur, Fatullah,

2. Badhon Garments.
     BISIC Shelponogory,
     Fatullah, Narayanganj.

3. Be-con Knit Wear Ltd.
     Kutubpur, Fatullah,

Outcomes of Focus Group Discussion (FGD) from SWOT analysis of these three RMG industries:


>>Getting enough orders of RMG products for a long time.

>>Good reputations on keeping commitments.

>>Strong marketing & management department.

>>Structural & Financial infrastructure.

>>Good co-operative relation with BGMEA, BKMEA, BEPZA etc which helping all the time in development.


>>Limitation in own backward linkages.

>>Limitation in Producing Raw Materials.

>>Political unrest situation, which making buyers step back in some cases.

>>Improper use of Ports & not so smooth & strong Transportations with Narayanganj.

>>Problem in Power & Gas supply.

>>Great pricing capability.

>>Strong rise of knitting sector.

>>More options of new employments.

>>Good reputation of product quality in outside world will increase more option of export.

>>Labour unrest in RMG factories.

>>Political unrest situation of the country.

>>Rise of competitiveness in export market for India, China, Cambodia etc.


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